Friday, July 31, 2009

Live Free or Die is 200!

Today, New Hampshire's beloved motto "Live Free or Die," turns 200 years old. Now let's hope the people of this state will remember its meaning over the next 200 years.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ben Bernanke is an Ignoramus

We trust this guy with controlling our money?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Letter to Paul Hodes

It is not often that I write my congresscritter. It is a futile exercise that ultimately only serves to add legitimacy to their actions. We still have the "right" to voice our opinions to our representatives in government. They can claim they weighed the thoughts of the people and that they decided accordingly. A load of hullabaloo if you ask me, but I think ending the Federal Reserve (well, in this specific instance, auditing it) is one of the most important issues of our time. The evil that is this organizatin cannot be overstated. So, to further the end of auditing the Fed, I sent the following letter to the "Honorable" Paul Hodes:

Rep. Hodes:

I am writing to request that you join 271 other Representatives in sponsoring H.R. 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009.

The Federal Reserve, since its inception in 1913, has caused massive devaluation of the dollar and the biggest financial crises this country has ever seen, including the Great Depression. Over the past century, many influential economists, such as Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich August von Hayek, and Murray Rothbard, have noted that central banks have the power to destabilize an economy through their manipulation of the money supply.

An audit of the Federal Reserve will likely highlight the enormous increase in the supply of money that has occurred during this current financial meltdown. The Fed has sent this money, often without congressional approval, to private companies for their own profit. The "independence" of the Fed threatens our Republic, our economy, and the quality of life for every American.

Tyler Stearns

Monday, July 06, 2009

Faulty Depression History

Every time I see an investment product, like a stock or mutual fund, they always list the past earnings (always positive, of course) as a selling point. But if you notice, they are always sure to put in: "past performance does not guarantee future results." This is good advice, however. The economy consists of millions, billions even, of autonomous actors making their own decisions in an ever-changing environment. It would be foolish to look exclusively to the past to see into the future.

That is why I hate when people like Christina Romer, chairwoman of Barack Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, point to empirical evidence from the Great Depression to justify the policy of today as if it will have the same effects. But what I hate even more is when the empirical evidence doesn't even support the claim. Romer thinks it was a reduction in deficit spending that caused "the depression within the Depression" of 1937. Luckily we have, where a great man like Robert Murphy can post an analysis of this claim. Click the link to find out why Romer's Keynesian fallacy is wrong. Hint: the empirical evidence is ambiguous and contradictory.