Sunday, February 18, 2007

Ron Paul for President!

United States Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) is in the crowded hunt for the GOP presidential nomination. Many would say that Dr. Paul is a relative "unknown" or "second-tier" candidate. I would say, in the area of name recognition, that he does have a slight disadvantage. In the area of ideas, however, he is well ahead of the many current candidates.

Dr. Paul is the premier advocate for Constitutionally limited government in Congress. He has made a habit of only voting for legislation that involves a power specifically delegated to Congress. He has rightfully been given the nickname of "Dr. No" for his frequent 'No' votes. For example, he voted against the No Child Left Behind Act on that grounds that Congress has no Constitutional power to be involved in education.

Against the war in Iraq? Worried that you are losing too many civil liberties in the Global War on Terror? Dr. Paul agrees with you. He has voted against the Iraq War from the outset and has consistently broken from his party to vote against the Patriot Act.

Personally, economic issues are more my cup of tea. I am genuinely concerned with our inflationary central banking system and ever-rising taxes. The good news is that Dr. Paul is a true fiscal conservative. The National Taxpayer's Union has rated him as either the number 1 or 2 in all of Congress since his return in 1997. I guess that's where he gets his other nickname: The Taxpayer's Best Friend. Dr. Paul supports the repeal of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve and the return to sound monetary policy via a gold standard.

Dr. Paul will be in New Hampshire a few times in the near future. The closest date is next Saturday night! Click Here for more info on this particular event.

And for more info on Dr. Ron Paul you can go Here, Here, or Here.

Remember, whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or Green: Vote Ron Paul in '08!!!

In Libertate,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well it's about time you updated your blog, Tyler. Damn lazy bloggers. ;)

Yeah, he probably has my vote as the rest of the pubbies suck royally.

Giuliani and Romney are RINO gun grabbers (though Romney is desperately trying to hide this by joining the NRA last August). And McCain violated the first amendment with his ridiculous "campaign finance" reform crap.