Monday, June 18, 2007

Liberty Activist of the Year

I would like to thank the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance for choosing me as their Activist of the Year. It is a humbling honor to receive this distinction from New Hampshire's #1 promoter of liberty. I couldn't have been so involved if it weren't for the NHLA and all of the other liberty activists throughout the state. They give me courage and motivation when it seems that all hope is lost. I thank all of you.

The important thing I have learned from my political activism is that ideas do not die. The message of liberty is eternal and can never be silenced. By the same token, however, liberty cannot be spread to all corners of New Hampshire without its tireless supporters. I see myself merely as a symbol of all the hard work and dedication that goes into preserving and expanding liberty.

I feel a great sense of sadness that I will be leaving New Hampshire to continue my education. I hope that I can return permanently in a few years with a greater depth of knowledge and a stronger drive to accomplish my goals.

Freedom is the greatest end that can be achieved in society. I will expound the message of liberty on my college campus and return to New Hampshire to aid all of the other great activists that are working to preserve our "Live Free or Die" way of life.

In Libertate,

1 comment:

Denis Goddard said...

I forsee a suddenly active Libertarian activist group springing up at whatever college is fortunate enough to have you, Tyler!

I hope to see you back in New Hampshire four years from now, with a degree in your pocket and a bunch of Libertarian activists in tow!