Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Liberty Ratings

The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance has just released their annual Liberty Report Card. The Report Card rates Representatives and Senators on their votes for selected "liberty" issues. Liberty, as defined by the NHLA, is an absence of laws that restrict personal and economic freedoms and that bar the practice of good government.

I would like to congratulate Rep. Richard Barry for being this year's Legislator of the Year. He was the only representative to receive an "A+" rating. I would also like to congratulate the other 18 reps. that received "A" ratings.

We still have a lot of work to do, however. There were numerous "F" ratings and even a handful of "Constitutional Threats"! I hope we can get them voted out in '08!

Finally, I would like to report that my own representative (the man that defeated me last fall), Bob Matheson, received a rating of "D". That mean that he voted against liberty almost 75% of the time! Thornton and Woodstock could have had better, but alas, the Democratic tsunami swept the state last fall. I hope that the voters of these two communities will realize that they deserve better.

In Libertate,

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